If you find that you are spending more time in dealing with small details or specific events and not spending enough time in planning and improving your business, then there are two leadership techniques that can refocus your effort. You can start doing these today. The first involves providing clear direction for what you want done. The second is to empower your team to make decisions on their own without having to ask permission about every detail.

These two techniques require trust on your part and dedicated execution on the part of your team. If you are a controlling person, this will be difficult for you. Through building trust and establishing standards by using clear communication skills, you will have more time to build your business. Building your business involves finding new markets and new revenue streams, improving systems, and developing your team.
Adopting These Leadership Techniques to Get Better Results
- Provide clear direction. Give your team a clear intent and vision on what you want done without any confusion. Tell them your end-state for the task or event and let them execute. But, you have to be clear, no ambiguity and no watching over their shoulders. You can assess and get updates that are not overbearing, but let them show you how well they can execute without excessive supervision.
- Empower your team to make decisions and take action. Once you have communicated your intent and end-state, give your team the authority to get the job done. Let them coordinate for resources and to develop timelines. Hold them accountable, but let them get it done on their own.
If you successfully adopt these techniques, you will have more time to work on your business instead of dealing with every detail of every project. You will have more time in assessing your strategic direction and more time to develop your team. The overall results in the business will improve over time.
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”
– Bill Gates
How can you better provide more clear direction and empower your team today to achieve better results?
Please comment or email me at comment@stephenmclain.com.
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Copyright 2016 – Stephen McLain