As leaders, you must use your words to inspire your team every moment. Even when expressing disappointment, you must carefully choose and craft your message to communicate the problem, but also inspire the team to work better together toward your vision.

Adverse situations will reveal character flaws throughout the organization. It is through tough situations that leaders need to be wise in their thoughts, words and actions. Challenging circumstances require unique leadership so that the team retains focus and trust.
I am a believer that leaders must serve their team. Team members need mentorship, accountability and development. Your team is not just there to grind away tasks every day without recognition and appreciation. Your investment in them shows your commitment for the long term.
What Can Leaders Do to Inspire?
Here are a few tips to consider when communicating to your team:
- Carefully choose the message. Negatively crafted messages that are ambiguous do not build any loyalty within your team. Risk aversion will creep into the team dynamic. When team members feel they can’t take risk, the business will suffer. Leaders must create an environment of growth by choosing their messages carefully.
- It’s about building influence, not using coercion. A well thought out message with consistency and clear guidance can create an environment of excellence. Threats and coercion are short term measures only and will only create dissention and hostility. Instead of blaming, let’s find solutions. You will want your team to possess overwhelming self-motivation, not dread when showing up for the day.
- Actions must follow. Consistent, positive actions in both thriving intervals and through adversity create an opportunity for your team to embrace your view of the future. Follow through on what you have decided. If you prioritized a task lower than others, then don’t ask about it until after the higher tasks are completed. Ensure you are consistent and proactive instead of reactive. Have a well thought out plan.
Arrogant comments to your team will destroy any remaining goodwill. Leaders often don’t realize in the long term that blaming comments can result in mistrust and significant productivity losses. When your business is going well, it is easy to celebrate and easy to be encouraging, but when the numbers start falling, it can also become easy to blame and attack. Leaders have to hold themselves accountable for their words and actions. If the business is failing because you failed, then don’t blame your team. Be clear in your guidance and speak to the long term otherwise your team may not be with you.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy
Inspiring discussions can be used in any situation. The right attitude coupled with actionable guidance will empower your team to do great work every day. Your words and actions as the leader can create animosity or create teams that will do anything to accomplish the goals. It depends on your attitude and your willingness to speak smartly and wise.
How have your words and actions inspired your team, and what were the results?
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Copyright 2016 – Stephen McLain