Leaders develop and leverage the talent on the team to deliver a better process in the long term. Opposite of that, managers lean toward process completion no matter how they get there. As leaders, we cannot escape necessary management requirements. Tasks need to be complete, budgets must be developed, and schedules made; however, let’s not forget who is doing the hard work, our team.

We tend to have more managers in our Accounting and Finance departments, because the tasks for Monthly Close require precision and sequencing. It takes managers to work out the process to get a lot done correctly in a short amount of time. The Monthly Close process is brutal, and any delay in one task affects many tasks downstream.
Managers will approach the monthly processing cycle with a calendar and task list. Managers want the process to move smoothly and just want the tasks done on time and to standard. They live for consistency and will sacrifice the long-term development of their team to get it. However, this is not what leaders do.
“Managers light a fire under people; leaders light a fire in people.” Kathy Austin, management consultant

Leaders would rather continually improve the process over time. And prefer for their team to be developed along the way. A great leader, who understands risk, will do something different to have a better delivery in the long term even though we may make mistakes this month and even next month. But this requires for Senior Leaders to be on-board.
Leadership vs. Management: Leaders Are More Focused on People and the Long Term
Leaders focus more on people development
- We desire for our team members to be challenged in order to grow. Leaders push the bar higher each time to improve performance. A manager only wants the task to be complete on time without the thought of self-development.
- Leaders care about every aspect of their team members’ lives: their families, and what they do on the weekends.
Leaders think and act in the long term
- Leaders embrace and create necessary change. It takes courage to force a change for the better, because no one likes to change.
- Continuing to fight for short term results prevents you from maximizing a higher return later. A slow, steady long-term win is always better.
Leadership prepares you for greater responsibility
- We need more leaders, not managers upward in the organization. Leadership requires a different set of skills and a different approach.
- A leadership focus will strengthen your ability to communicate and to achieve a long-term strategy. You will begin to develop a vision as you improve your leadership.

In any leadership vs. management discussion, you must realize there is a mix to every situation. Both leaders and managers use techniques from both sides of the issue. Managers know how to solve a problem using a system and assigned tasks. Leaders prefer to grow people who can complete tasks on their own, which requires a long-term focus and the acceptance of more risk. It is tough, because every month you have a deadline of intense tasks staring at you, and you must deliver.
I will continue to highlight this issue in this forum and over several social media channels. It’s important to highlight the need for leadership development.
How can you shift your perspective to move from leadership instead of only management?
Please comment or email me at comment@stephenmclain.com.
Copyright 2019 – Stephen McLain