The Positive Impact of Great Team Leaders in Improving and Growing the Organization

Great team leaders make the impossible happen while dealing with competing requirements, daily people issues, senior leader inquiries, and the always changing business environment. Leadership is about creating opportunities for success for your team members. Leaders resource, inspire and set the bar high, while also letting the team do their work with minimal overwatch.

team leaders

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When I was serving in the Army, my team level leaders were invaluable to me to get the hard work done and to effectively communicate what was happening. They freed up time for me so I could concentrate on my duties of planning, resourcing and evaluating military operations. I could not have done my job as an officer without effective leaders down the chain of command.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis

While senior leaders are steering the organization, the team leaders are caring for the team and inspiring them to achieve high standards. Teams constantly have distractions and the workload never gets easier. Therefore, having great leaders is critical to the long-term success of the organization.

team leaders

A Great Team Leader Can Create a Positive Impact for the Growth of the Organization

Developing and caring for the team

  • Leaders look after the needs of the team members. This often requires dealing with deeply personal issues. Dealing with goal setting, fears and family challenges.
  • Team leaders are closest to the people who do the work. They can address people issues immediately to minimize disruption.
  • We find ways to make our team better. We provide opportunities for development and for our team to showcase their skills.

Setting the highest example

  • Non-negotiables for leaders are integrity, honor, and a strong work ethic.
  • Leaders who have positive attitudes usually inspire team members to have great attitudes.
  • Leaders set the pace by how much they are dedicated to achieving excellence. Accountability begins with team leaders.
  • Leaders have a daily impact on how appreciated the team feels.

Translate senior leader vision into excellence

  • Strategy and vision need to be communicated into smaller goals and translated into the daily duties of each team member. How can we accomplish the three-year strategy goal?
  • The team will often emulate our behavior and work ethic, so we need to approach our work with high standards and excellence every day.
  • A great team leader can inspire good ideas and these ideas can move upward in the organization. The best ideas often start at the team level. Positive team leaders encourage the sharing of all ideas.
  • An effective and trustworthy team leader who gets the work done allows senior leaders to focus on their duties.

Problem solving

  • Leaders solve problems by guiding the team and offering critical insight.
  • Collaboration often occurs best when a leader pulls the team together to focus on an issue that needs immediate solving.
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It’s important to select, develop and grow great team leaders so the entire business can grow and move forward. Team leaders direct the important daily work of the organization. They take care of critical people issues, which is most important.

How do team leaders positively leverage the daily work of your organization?

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Copyright 2019 – Stephen McLain

team leaders