How to Build Your Confidence to Become a Better Leader and Develop Potential for a Promotion into Your First Manager Role

We all deal with issues of confidence at some point in our careers. It doesn’t matter what role you have. Even CEOs of multi-billion-dollar companies face issues of confidence when the quarterly results are not being delivered or there’s a crisis to solve.


How do we solve confidence issues? We assess and address what is holding us back. We then seek improvement in the areas we can control. We must realize that most situations that are bothering us may not be real at all, but it is in fact a mindset issue that is affecting the belief in yourself.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Are you doubting your ability to lead a team or to take on a tough role? Are you lacking confidence to make good decisions? Do you feel that you are not up to taking on more responsibility? You may not be realizing your full potential.

The Leadership Mindset Guide for Finance and Accounting Managers to Develop Great Teams and Create Positive Change

Checklist to building your confidence as a leader:

  1. Change your mindset. You can only control yourself and how you view your abilities. You can not control others and how they think. Often, you believe that others are thinking about you, and they are not. You are creating situations in your mind that have no truth behind it. Focus on what you can do and give it your best effort. No less.
  2. Find courage. Tell yourself you are going to solve this issue and then go accomplish it. This is also a mindset issue. Believe that nothing can be an obstacle to your goals and happiness.
  3. Build your experience. As you gain more experience, you will develop more knowledge and how to get it done right. You will learn what not to do. Experience builds success, which then builds confidence.
  4. Never stop learning. Know the technical changes in your field and develop the essential soft skills. Leadership skills can also be learned.
  5. Work on a project. Contributing to a challenging project can deliver a great win to your confidence, but it will require much work. Being assigned to a project team can develop your skills and get you recognition once the project is completed. Doing uncomfortable work successfully can contribute to how you feel about your abilities.
  6. Remove negative influences from your life. Boundaries are essential to remove the wrong people from your life. Stop listening to people who say it can’t be done or do not encourage you. Surround yourself with as many people with winning attitudes as possible. Seek out positive influences.
  7. Posture, poise and proper attire. Your body language displays your confidence level without you knowing. Stand with strength and look people in the eye. Be straightforward with your team and when meeting new people. Poor body language will lose the room. Learn to “dress for success.” Choose clothing that fits right and is appropriate for the situation.
  8. Practice what is giving you doubts. If you need to present your work in front of others, then find a colleague to deliver your presentation first. Build on that and listen carefully to the critique and then practice some more. Practice until you can deliver with great confidence.


The movie Moneyball shows the story of Oakland A’s General Manager, Billy Beane, who as an ex-ballplayer, could not find success in playing major league baseball. He was told by the scouts that he was great, but he didn’t meet the high expectations when on the field. He had no confidence, because he was not successful.

“The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.” ― Virginia Woolf

People want to follow a confident leader. They prefer decisiveness and action over self-doubt. Strength creates more strength.


What areas do you need to address to build your confidence?

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Copyright 2018 – Stephen McLain
